Friday, November 29, 2019
The study of a panda Essay Example
The study of a panda Paper The panda is black and white, like a bear in shape, but different. Things to remember in the last hour before the exam: Life processes at the cellular level (This is not a revision sheet youve done that by now Its a list of things you might want to remind yourself about 1. Cell parts. Most structures/organelles common to animal and plant cells. [P] = plants only C] Cytoplasm transparent Jelly ? cells activities occur here CLC Cell/plasma membrane regulates movement of materials in/out of cell. SELECTIVELY permeable. Phosphoric belayed. Phosphate heads (hydrophilic) face inside cell/outside cell. Fatty acid tails of lipids (hydrophobic) to interior. Small molecules e. G. Water diffuse through. Larger ones transported via protein channels. 0 Nucleus cell control centre, controls metabolism via enzymes. Contains genetic info DNA. Chromosomes only visible when cell is dividing. Contains nucleolus makes RNA and ribosome. Cell wall [P] protects cell gives strength and support. Is permeable and made of cellulose. Controls turgidity (can resist high internal pressures without stretching). 0 Chloroplasts [P] site of photosynthesis, contain chlorophyll green light-trapping pigment. Elongated shape maximizes S. A. To volume ratio, Increasing uptake of CO and H2O uptake and output of 02 and glucose (photosynthetic capacity). Chlorophyll molecules embedded In grand (stacks of ethylated membrane) more S. A. More chlorophyll = Max. Amount of light captured = more photosynthesis. Surrounded by stoma enzymes and water. 0 Large (central) vacuole [P] large and permanent structure containing cell sap (salts, sugars, amino acids). Salts in sap produce strong tendency for water to enter cell (by osmosis) keeping cell turgid. We will write a custom essay sample on The study of a panda specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The study of a panda specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The study of a panda specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Vacuole displaces cytoplasm to edges of cell meaning chloroplasts are close to CO and light. Also short gas diffusion distances. 0 Mitochondria site of aerobic respiration. Enzymes attached to Cristal (membranes folded to Increase the S. A. = greater # of enzymes) produce ATOP (adenosine troposphere). Occur In high numbers In cells with large energy needs e. G. Sperm muscle cells. 0 Googol flat disc shaped sacs modify and package proteins C] ERE: Rough has bound ribosome (site of protein synthesis) makes proteins and transports proteins to Googol. Smooth has free ribosome makes steroids, lipids and hormones 2. Specialized cells perform specialized functions in multicultural organisms. Examples include: 0 Guard cells form stoma (small opening in epidermis) when turgid. Turgid = crescent moon shaped, flaccid = oval shape. Thick inner walls help them open/close stoma. Allow CO and 02 in and out. Also main route of H2O loss via transpiration. Swelling of vacuole controls opening/closing. Contain chloroplasts. 0 Palisade cells long, thin column shaped cells many can fit close together. Contain MANY chloroplasts. Cells arranged vertically so light passes through less cell walls to cells beneath. 0 Spongy mesosphere (beneath palisade layer) has more rounded not so tightly packed cells. Large Intracellular alarm spaces maximizes diffusion rate of gases during photosynthesis. (CO In 02 out). CLC Root hair cells Long and thin extension at one end with thin cell to vastly increase S. A. For absorbing small BIOLOGY Dont forget to throw this away DO NOT take it into the exam by mistake We dont want you disqualified by mistake 3. Movement. Three main mechanisms. Diffusion: Movement of substances from high concentration to low concentration along a concentration gradient which exists until diffused substance is evenly distributed. Passive movement. E. G: CO diffusing in / 02 out of leaf (through tomato). Note: can occur Just in solutions, as well as across membranes. 0 Osmosis: Movement of H2O from high concentration of H2O to a low con. Of H2O water through semi/selectively permeable membrane ( from a more dill. Solution to a more con. Solution). Passive movement. E. G. Absorbing water through plant roots, kidney tubules reabsorbing water. Active transport: Movement from a low con. To a high con. Energy is required. E. G. Absorption of MGM by roots, glucose uptake in intestines. 4. Enzymes. Protein molecules acts as biological catalysts increase rate of reactions. Substrate = molecule the enzyme acts. Increase in substrate concentration = increase in rate up to a maximum. Enzymes are specific have AD shape with unique active site only work on a particular substrate. Function best in particular conditions e. G. An optimum temperature and optimal PH. (function poorly outside these). At very low temperatures, enzyme action slow; as temp. Increases reaction rate increases (more collisions/time) BUT at high temperatures enzyme is denatured (peptide chains unravel active site is lost enzyme is permanently inactive). CIO every ICC rise enzyme activity approve.. Doubles. Co-enzymes complete the active tit essential to enzyme action. Inhibitors (poisons) combine with active site to prevent enzyme function. 5. Photosynthesis. Needs CO via stomata, H2O via roots and xylem, sunlight and chlorophyll. CHIC + AH 0 C6H1206 + 602. Sunlight needed as source of (solar) energy. Rate affected by light: more light = more photosynthesis up to point where plant is at Max. Photosynthesis level any increase in light intensity wont affect the plant further. Rate at midday >early morning [evening. No photosynthesis at night. Rate in summer > winter. Temperature affects rate. 6. (Aerobic) Respiration. C6H1206 602 0 CHIC + AH. Breakdown of glucose occurs in 2 steps glycoside in cytoplasm, then Krebs/citric acid cycle in the matrix of the mitochondria and electron transport system on Cristal of mitochondria. Energy from food (from breakdown of glucose and fatty acids) converts ADAPT + P 0 ATOP. ATOP = the energy carrier / energy in a usable form. ATOP is broken down elsewhere to ADAPT + P releasing useful energy for cellular work. 7. Cell division. 0 A cell cycles between periods of cell division, growth, normal activity (enterprise) and back to division. DNA replication occurs DNA makes exact copy of itself prior to ell division so there is a full set of genetic information available in each cell after division then preparation for mitosis then mitosis. The cycle repeats. DNA contains code for synthesis of proteins in its base sequences. All cells need the code to synthesis essential proteins for the cell to grow and carry out its role. DNA must replicate accurately so all new cells have a complete copy of the code. 0 Key steps. DNA helix unwinds, two strands unzip between bases, new nucleotides Join to the enzymes. Base pairing (A-T and C-G) essential provides mechanism accurately making two identical DNA molecules.
Monday, November 25, 2019
A New Mandate for HR-An Analysis
A New Mandate for HR-An Analysis Review of ÃâA New Mandate for Human ResourcesÃâ by Dave Ulrich In the article the writer had expressed his concern on underestimating role of Human resources Department in an organizational set up. The role of HR manager has confined to paper work related to recruitment and termination of employees, compensation and incentives, impart training to employees and design of developmental programmes etc. The HR Manager is responsible for implementation of policies made by CEOs or line Managers.David Ulrich has emphasized that the role of HR should be organizational excellence rather than focusing on fundamental HR issues only.HR has to take the lead to enable organizations survive in globalized era, to sustain revenue growth, to harness technological advances, to protect intellectual property and keep pace with changing business environment.In global competitive economy, managers are required to be aware of entire global market scenario, political uncertainties, trade issues, fluctu ating exchange rates and customer preferences.Revenue growth by way of lay- offs, cost cuts and merger acquisitions has become new mantra for organizations. He feels rather companies should focus on creativity and innovation. The employees should be encouraged to share learning and honing their skills for achieving required revenue growth.The geographical distance has been bridged by technological advances. In the era of technological revolution employees had to learn how to exploit technology for organizational goal.In the changing scenario companies, who can attract, retain and develop best talent will lead the world. Companies have to keep on shifting gears to beat competition, has to take rapid decisions and invent new ways of doing work.He affirmed that HR can deliver excellence by being partner with the senior management in the strategy execution of organization. HR can help in reducing cost of organization by work organization, delivering administrative efficiency with...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Issues Connected with Working in Facebook Term Paper
Issues Connected with Working in Facebook - Term Paper Example Facebook is a well-known company regarding the technology sector. The well-known social networking platform provided by Facebook has become much of a success. As a company, it employs staff members to continue with the operations of the company.à The working conditions in the company with the viewpoint of an employee of a company are discussed and explained. The issues arising in the company regarding the working conditions are highlighted and explained. The culture of the company that is to be adopted by the employees is exclaimed and realized so as to determine their effects upon working as an employee on Facebook. The daily routines are elaborated along with the issues that the employees face upon a daily basis. The companyââ¬â¢s temperament regarding the position of its employees in the company and how it treats them are explained where the culture of issues relating to the management of employees are discussed as well. Detailed analysis of the key issues highlighted in the videos is explained in the context of relevant theories and theoretical perspectives so as to determine the issues in detail and in depth. The company is constantly in operation twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week so as to provide the product to its company. Obviously, the teams work in shifts and have different routines. The company works hard for providing the users of its products with a continuing improved interface so as to attract potential users and existing stakeholders. The pressure upon the employees is intense so as to continue with the development and research regarding the perception of the users (Matthew, 2008). The interfaces designed are to facilitate the user in various manners where the access and easy operation along with the management of the parts of the product is aimed. The employees of the company are extremely focused upon improving the user interface technique and are continuously in the discussion for the issue.Ã
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Walnut Street Jail Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Walnut Street Jail - Research Paper Example Thesis statement: The Walnut Street Jail, especially the concept of penitentiary house, deeply influences the current prison system in US and proves to be effective (special reference to the concept of penitentiary house). Walnut Street Jail: A brief history The history of Walnut Street Jail begins in the year 1774, when the law enforcement authority decided to open a new jail. Earlier, there was another prison in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Street. As overcrowding was an important problem, the prison authorities decided to construct Walnut Street Jail. In addition, the designer (Robert Smith) decided to construct large rooms for the inmates. Robert Smith decided to construct the new jail in the form of U-shape because more inmates were to be accommodated within the limited space. Gradually, Walnut Street Jail became overcrowded and the prison authorities decided to construct a new cellblock, namely penitentiary house. As the cells in the penitentiary house aimed to accommodate indivi dual prisoners, it became a revolutionary change in prison design. This design, known as Pennsylvania System deeply influenced the construction of other prisons like Pittsburgh prison (1821) and Trenton State Prison (1836). Walnut Street Jailââ¬â¢s role in the development of US penitentiary system One can easily identify that the development of modern prison system is deeply rooted in the innovative measures adopted by the Walnut Street Jail authorities. First of all, the penitentiary house built by the Walnut Street Jail was the most important development within US penitentiary system. Earlier, the prisoners were accommodated in rooms with limited space. This created much tension because new inmates mingled with criminals who were undergoing long-term imprisonment. Moreover, the prison authorities considered managing the prisoners as a tiresome effort. The idea to accommodate the inmates into small cells was helpful to manage the inmates with more ease. In 1970s, the penitentiar y house within the Walnut Street Jail system was considered as an innovative measure to deal with the problems faced by the authorities and the prisoners in general. The vocational workshop was another effective measure adopted by the Walnut Street Jail authorities. Besides, the jail authorities gave less importance to punitive measures. When rehabilitation and penitence became more important than punishment, the other jails/prisons in US began to imitate the measures adopted by the Walnut Street Jail. This is most important because it transformed the scenario of prison system in US. In addition, the Walnut Street Jail paved the way for innovative prison designs like Pennsylvania System and Auburn Prison Scheme. Later, the Auburn Prison Scheme (say, labor during day time and isolation at night time) became more popular than other prison designs in US. So, one can see that Walnut Street Jailââ¬â¢s role in the development of US penitentiary system is utmost important. The key conce pts implemented at the Walnut Street Jail As pointed out, the most important concept implemented at the Walnut Street Jail was penitentiary house or separate cells for the inmates. Roth (2006) states that ââ¬Å"Hence its reputation as the first penitentiary in the world and the first American adoption of the theory of solitary confinement as a major step on the road to repentanceâ⬠(p.293). The separation of women inmates from men is another idea implemented at th
Monday, November 18, 2019
Tuition Assistance Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Tuition Assistance - Case Study Example Additionally, the tuition-aid program suffers from a lack of internal recruiting. Supervisors are not checking internal job postings and informing the appropriate employees are these opportunities. Finally, Garden Gate does not seem to lock employees in once they receive the tuition assistance, meaning that without this they are almost free to leave and taking advantage of the generous program on offer. The table does not indicate any special problems or issues; in fact, the table shows that Garden Gate has greatly encouraged diversity because there is a balanced mix of males and females and also employees from a wide range of ethnic backgrounds. Of the 18 employees who left the company after receiving tuition aid, quite a few of the employees took on a different job from the one they held at Garden Gate. This perhaps shows that they were unsatisfied at Garden Gate and wanted a change. It is up to supervisors and managers to communicate so that it is known just exactly which direction each employee wants to go in and then how that can be facilitated. I dont think that Garden Gate should discontinue its tuition-aid program because although there have been some problems with it, there is the potential for it to create a competitive advantage over competitors. The program is very attractive for employees who wish to up-skill, so this is something that should be pursued. Also, the company holds the value of treating its employees like investors, meaning that it makes sense to invest in them. Doing anything to the contrary would be going back on the companys principles. The company has grown at 12 percent per year for the last few years, and it wants to continue this rate for at least the next five years. For Garden Gate to be able to do this, it will have to retain most if not all of its current employees before looking to hire new ones. The best way to do this is by investing in human capital, which is what the tuition-aid program was designed
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Two Middle Range Theory Evaluation Paper
Two Middle Range Theory Evaluation Paper The purpose of this paper is to evaluate two middle range theories abilities to test the concept of comfort for the practice question Do neonatal nurses who care for dying infants who attend an end of life care educational training program compared to neonatal nurses who do not attend the program experience a difference in comfort levels (Comfort Level for Caring for Dying Infants (CLCDI)) when caring for a dying infant? A summary of two middle range theories the Comfort Theory (Kolcaba, 1994) and the Theory of Self-Efficacy (Resnick, xxxx) will be summarized and then critiqued using Smith and Liehrs (xxxx) Framework for Evaluating Middle Range Theory. The discussion will conclude with a summary of strengths and weakness of the theories and a research hypothesis to reflect that reflects the most appropriate theories conceptual definitions and propositions. Introduction Background Despite nurses as frontline caregivers for dying patients and their families many nurses have identified that they struggle with the responding adequately to the emotional devastation to parents and siblings when caring for a neonate with an unresolved terminal condition (Frommet, 1991). With the advances in neonatal care and life sustaining treatments, sick and very preterm infants do not often die in utero, at birth, or shortly after birth, but instead they often live much longer in a healthcare paradigm of comfort care and dignified death. This relatively new emersion of the end of life model integrates a more holistic approach which considers a more comprehensive view of the patients needs (emotional, spiritual, and medical) (Mallory, 2002; Mallory, 2003; WHO, 2002). With this paradigm shift, health care professionals are obligated to assess the adequacy of their own knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs about death and dying. Multiple studies regarding nurses preparation for dealing with death and dying have consistently found that nurses that nurses do not feel educationally prepared to care for dying patients and insist that healthcare professionals should receive additional education on end of life care to bridge the deficit gap (Frommet, 1991; Robinson, 2004; White, Coyne, Patel, 2001; Beckstrand, Callister, Kirchhoff, 2006). These findings have led to a further observation that nurses caring for these complex patients regularly experience moral distress from competing principles of their personal, collegial, organizational, and religious/spiritual ethics (Frommet, 1991). Practice Problem To help ease this moral distress an evidence based end-of -life educational training program for NICU nurses has been successfully implemented in several neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) to increase the nurses comfort level of caring for neonates and their families at the end of life (Bagbi, Rogers, Gomez, McMahon, 2008). To determine if an evidence based end of life educational program impacts nurses comfort levels in caring for dying infants and their families a question was developed using the population (P) intervention (I) compared to (C) outcome (O) format (Newhouse, Dearhold, 1997). The following discussion will focus on this PICO question Do neonatal nurses who care for dying infants who attend an end of life care educational training program compared to neonatal nurses who do not attend the program experience a difference in comfort levels (Comfort Level for Caring for Dying Infants (CLCDI)) when caring for a dying infant? During the intervention a monthly 1 hour, neo natal end of life education program will be conducted over a 6 month period of time based on research about what nurses would like to know about caring for a dying infant (Robinson, 2004). For the purpose of this problem, comfort is defined as the ability of the NICU nurse(s) to show adequate knowledge and skills in providing neonatal end of life care for dying babies and their families. For this problem comfort will be measured as a score on the ordinal scale of Comfort Level Caring for Dying Infants (CLCDI). The instrument consisting of 15 items, measured on a 5 point Likert type scale equates scores of 1=never; 2=rarely; 3=sometimes; 4=often, 5=always measures the level of comfort a NICU nurse has caring for dying infants as opposed to their perception toward pediatric or neonatal end of life care (Bagbi, Rogers, Gomez, and McMahon, 2008). In evaluating the score, the higher the reported score the greater level of comfort NICU nurses have in caring for dying babies. Testing the Concept of Comfort A portion of Kolbacas (1991) Theory of Comfort and Resnicks (2008) Theory of Self-Efficacy, two middle range theories, will be used to test the concept of comfort for providing an organizing structure. Based on previous studies about nurses comfort when caring for patients, propositions five and six of Kolbacas Theory of Comfort seem to be a promising fit for this problem (Kolbaca, 1991, Kolbaca, XXX). These propositions collectively propose that patients, nurses, and other members of the healthcare team agree upon desirable and realistic health seeking behaviors (HSBs) and if enhanced comfort is achieved, patients, family members, and/or nurses are strengthened to engage in HSBs, comfort is further enhanced (Kolbaca, 1991). However, comfort as defined conceptually in this case as knowledge and skill can alternatively be equated with a sense of competence or self-efficacy of the NICU nurse to care for a dying infant and their family. There are many examples in the nursing literature linking self-efficacy to knowledge and skill (xxxx, xxxxx).) Self-efficacy, knowledge, and skills are also central to Banduras theory, which is the basis for Resnicks (xxxx) Self-Efficacy theory. Self-efficacy as described in Resnicks (xxxx) Theory of Self-Efficacy for this context is described as the judgment about the nurses ability to organize and execute a course of action required to attain designated types of performances. The theory states that perceived self-efficacy, defined as the individuals judgment of his or her capabilities to organize and execute courses of action, is a determinant of performance (Resnick, xxxx). Self-efficacy beliefs provide the foundation for human motivation, well-being, and personal accomplishment (Resnick, xxxx). According to Resnick (XXXX) theory individuals with higher levels of self-efficacy for a specific behavior (caring for a dying infant) are more likely to attempt that behavior. There are many examples in the literature using the Theory o f Self-Efficacy to support nursing education interventions (xxxxx, xxxxx). For these reasons, Resnicks Theory of Self-Efficacy (xxx) will be used to test the concept of nurses comfort or knowledge and skill (self-efficacy) in caring for dying infants and their families. The purpose of the following discussion is to summarize, describe, analyze, and evaluate these theories using the Framework for the Evaluation of Middle Range Theories (Smith, 2008) and conclude with a synthesis and research hypothesis to reflect conceptual definitions and propositions of the theory with the best fit. Theory Summaries: Comfort and Self-Efficacy Kolcabas Comfort Theory The Comfort Theory is a humanistic, holistic, patient need based nursing derived middle range theory (Kolbaca, xxxx). The concept of comfort has had a historic and consistent presence in nursing. In the early 1900s , comfort was considered to be a goal for both nursing and medicine, as it was believed that comfort led to recovery (McIlveen Morse, 1995). Over time comfort has become an increasingly minor focus, at times reserved only for those patients for whom no further medical treatment options are available (McIlveen Morse, 1995). The term comfort is used as a noun (comforter), adjective (comforting), verb (to comfort), or adverb (comfort the patient) (xxx). It is also used as a negative (absence of discomfort), neutral (ease), or positive (hope inspiring). Webster (1990) defines comfort as relief from distress; to soothe in sorrow or distress; a person or thing that comforts; a state of ease and quiet enjoyment free from worry; anything that makes life easy; and the lessening of misery or grief by calming or inspiring with hope. The origin of comfort is confortrare which means to strengthen greatly(Kolcaba, 1992). Based on the diversity of these terms comfort is a complex term. Kolcabas (1991) concept analysis of comfort helped to clarify the role of comfort as a holistic concept for nursing. This review confirmed that comfort is a positive concept and is associated with activities that nurture and strengthen patients (David, 2002). Over a period of years and revisions Kolcaba (1994) developed the comfort the ory which continues to evolve and change with changes as recent as 2007 (Figure 2). Kolcaba (1994, 2001, 2003) has defined comfort as the immediate state of being strengthened through having the human needs for relief, ease, and transcendence addressed in four contexts of experience (physical, psychospiritual, sociocultural, and environmental). The terms relief, ease, and transcendence are types of comfort that occur physically and mentally (Figure 2). The terms are defined based on definitions from medicine, theology, ergonomics, psychology, and nursing (Kolcaba Kolcaba, 1991). Relief is the state of having a discomfort mitigated or alleviated. Ease is the absence of specific discomforts. Transcendence is the ability to rise above discomforts when they cannot be eradicated or avoided (e.g., the child feels confident about ambulation although (s)he knows it will exacerbate pain). Transcendence, as a type of comfort, accounts for its strengthening property and reminds nurses to never give up helping their children and family members feel comforted. Interventions for increasing transcendence can be targeted to improving the environment, increasing social support, or providing reassurance. The three types of comfort occur in four contexts of experience: physical, psychospiritual, sociocultural, and environmental. These contexts were derived from an extensive review of the nursing literature on holism (Kolcaba, 1992). When the three types of comfort are juxtaposed with the four contexts of experience, a 12-cell grid is created, which is called a taxonomic structure (TS) (Figure 1) . Taken together, these cells represent all relevant aspects (defining attributes) of comfort for nursing and demonstrate the holistic nature of comfort as an important goal of care. All comfort needs can be placed somewhere on the taxonomic structure, and the cells are not mutually exclusive. A sample pediatric case study using the TS as a guide for a holistic comfort assessment is demonstrated below (see Figure 1). The concepts for the middle range for Comfort Theory include comfort needs, comfort interventions, intervening variables, enhanced comfort, health-seeking behaviors, and institutional integrity (Kolcaba, 1994). All of these concepts are relative to patients, families, and nurses (Kolcaba, 2003; Kolcaba, Tilton, Drouin, 2006). There are eight propositions which link the above concepts together. All or parts of the Comfort Theory can be tested for research (Peterson Bredow, 2010). In the comfort theory, Kolcaba asserts that when healthcare needs of a patient are appropriately assessed and proper nursing interventions carried out to address those needs, taking into account variables intervening in the situation, the outcome is enhanced patient comfort over time (Kolcaba, 2007). Once comfort is enhanced, the patient is likely to increase health-seeking behaviors. These behaviors may be internal to the patient (eg, wound healing or improved oxygenation), external to the patient (eg, active participation in rehabilitation exercises), or a peaceful death. Furthermore, Kolcaba asserted that when a patient experiences health-seeking behaviors, the integrity of the institution is subsequently increased because the increase in health-seeking behaviors will result in improved outcomes. Increased institutional integrity lends itself to the development and implementation of best practices and best policies secondary to the positive outcomes experienced by patients (Kolcab a, 2007). To translate the concepts to practice the effectiveness of a holistic intervention can be targeted to the taxonomic structure for enhancing comfort in a specific patient, family, or nurse population over time. Holistic comfort is defined as the immediate experience of being strengthened through having the needs for relief, ease, and transcendence met in four contexts of experience (physical, psychospiritual, social, and environmental).The comfort theory has been operationalized in many research settings with a variety of patient and target populations ranging from end of life care to the comfort of nurses (xxxx). Resnick Theory of Self-Efficacy Self efficacy is described as a way to organize an individuals judgment of his or her capability to execute a course of action. The Theory of Self-efficacy states that self-efficacy expectations and outcome expectations are not only influenced by behavior, but also verbal encouragement, reflective thinking, physiological sensations and role or self-modeling (Bandura, 1995).. Through self evaluation an individual judges their capability to perform and established self expectations which is visually depicted in the conceptual model (Appendix 2) (Resnick, 2008). Resnicks Theory of Self Efficacy is based on Banduras social cognitive theory and conceptualizes person-behavior-environment as triadic reciprocity the foundation for reciprocal determinism (Bandura, 1977, 1986). Most of the research into self-efficacy beliefs among older adults has been quantitative and has consistently supported the influence of those beliefs on behavior. However, it has not been established how efficacy beliefs actually influence motivation in older adults, or what sources of efficacy-enhancing information help strengthen those beliefs. Kolcabas Comfort Theory: Description, Analysis, and Evaluation Theory Description Historical context. The Comfort Theory is a humanistic, holistic, patient need based nursing derived middle range theory (Kolbaca, xxxx). The concept of comfort has had a historic and consistent presence in nursing. In the early 1900s , comfort was considered to be a goal for both nursing and medicine, as it was believed that comfort led to recovery (McIlveen Morse, 1995). Over time comfort has become an increasingly minor focus, at times reserved only for those patients for whom no further medical treatment options are available (McIlveen Morse, 1995). The term comfort is used as a noun (comforter), adjective (comforting), verb (to comfort), or adverb (comfort the patient) (xxx). It is also used as a negative (absence of discomfort), neutral (ease), or positive (hope inspiring). Webster (1990) defines comfort as relief from distress; to soothe in sorrow or distress; a person or thing that comforts; a state of ease and quiet enjoyment free from worry; anything that makes life easy; and the lessening of misery or grief by calming or inspiring with hope. The origin of comfort is confortrare which means to strengthen greatly(Kolcaba, 1992). Based on the diversity of these terms comfort is a complex term. Kolcabas (1991) concept analysis of comfort helped to clarify the role of comfort as a holistic concept for nursing. This review confirmed that comfort is a positive concept and is associated with activities that nurture and strengthen patients (David, 2002). Over a period of years and revisions Kolcaba (1994) developed the comfort the ory which continues to evolve and change with changes as recent as 2007 (Figure 2). Structural Components. Assumptions. Kolcabas Theory of Comfort (1994) makes four basic assumptions about reality. She assumes that humans beings have holistic responses to complex stimuli; comfort is a desirable holistic state that is germane to the discipline of nursing; human beings actively strive to meet, or to have met, their basic comfort needs, and that comfort is more than the absence of pain, anxiety, and other physical discomforts (Kolcaba , 2009). Concepts. Kolcaba defines six concepts of comfort which are relative to patients, families, and nurses (Table 1) . The term family, as defined by Kolcaba (2003) encompasses significant others as determined by the patient (Kolcaba, 2003; Kolcaba, Tilton Drouin, 2006). The first concept is of comfort needs which is the relief/ease/transcendence in physical, psychospiritual, sociocultural and environmental contexts of human experience. Comfort interventions in the model are defined as interventions of the health care team specifically targeting comfort of the patient, family and nurses. Intervening variables are positive or negative factors over which the health care team has little control, including physical limitations of the hospital or patients home, cultural influences, socioeconomic factors, prognosis, concurrent medical or psychological conditions. Health-seeking behaviors are those behaviors of patient, family or nurses (conscious or unconscious) which promote well-being; may b e internal, external or towards promoting a peaceful death. The final concept, institutional integrity, added in most recently, are values, financial stability and wholeness of health care facilities at the local state or national levels. Propositions. To help test the concept of nurses comfort caring for dying infants, propositions five and six of Kolcabas comfort theory are examined. These propositions state that patients, nurses, and other members of the healthcare team agree upon desirable and realistic health seeking behaviors (HSBs) (five) and if enhanced comfort is achieved, patients, family members, and/or nurses are strengthened to engage in HSBs, which further enhances comfort (six). These propositions provide rationale for why nurses and other health care professionals should focus on the patient, family, or in this case the nurses comfort beyond altruistic reasons. Because health seeking behaviors include internal and external behaviors almost any health-related outcome important in a healthcare setting can be classified as a health seeking behavior (Peterson Bredow, 2010). The desirable and realistic health seeking behavior (HSB) for this study is nurses comfort (knowledge and skills) to relieve moral di stress in caring for a dying infant and their family. Several studies support that moral and other types of distress are frequently observed in nurses who care for dying infants (Frommet, 1991) and most importantly indicate that nurses are seeking education regarding patient end of life issues (XXXXX). It is believed that reducing this distress and frustration can be affected through an effective end of life educational programs and is likely to improve the knowledge and skills nurses need to help increase their comfort level in caring for dying infants (xxxxx). Functional Components. Visualizing the concepts in the conceptual model, the Theory Analysis and Evaluation To analyze and evaluate Kolcabas Comfort Theory (1994) the substantive foundation, structural integrity, and functional adequacy of the theory using Smith and Liehrs (2008) Framework for the Evaluation of Middle Range Theories is discussed below (Appendix 1). Substantive foundations. Assessing the substantive foundation of a middle range theory is based on four criteria (Smith, 2003). The first criterion evaluates whether the theory is within the focus of the discipline of nursing. Kolcabas comfort theory successfully addresses four concepts comprising the metaparadigm of nursing, defining the concepts as they correspond to the theory (Dowd, 2002; Kolbaca, 2007) as well as presents a diagram of how the Comfort Theory relates theoretically to other nursing concepts (Figure 2) (Kolcaba, 1994) . Nursing is described as the process of assessing the patients comfort needs, developing and implementing appropriate nursing interventions, and evaluating patient comfort following nursing interventions. Person is described as the recipient of nursing care; the patient may be an individual, family, institution, or community. Environment is considered to be the external surroundings of the patient and can be manipulated to increase patient comfort. Fi nally, health is viewed as the optimum functioning of the patient as they define it. The ability of the framework to suggest interventions that help guide nursing interventions to increase comfort supports the discipline of nursing, and in doing so meeting the first criteria. The second criterion evaluates whether the assumptions are specified and congruent with the focus. The four assumptions in the Comfort Theory are explicitly stated and so meet the second criteria. Comfort theory (xxxx) assumes that humans beings have holistic responses to complex stimuli; comfort is a desirable holistic state that is germane to the discipline of nursing; human beings actively strive to meet, or to have met, their basic comfort needs, and that comfort is more than the absence of pain, anxiety, and other physical discomforts (Kolcaba , 2009). Because the Comfort Theory (XXXX) substantially describes the concept of comfort at the middle range level of discourse, the third criterion of the substantive foundation is met. Kolcabas (1991) concept analysis of comfort helped to clarify the role of comfort as a holistic concept for nursing. This review confirmed that comfort is a positive concept and is associated with activities that nurture and strengthen patients (David, 2002). The Comfort Theory provides an excellent description, explanation, and interpretation of the comfort concept in multiple domains and practice settings. Comfort theory is at the middle range level in that is defined in a measurable way and can be operationalized in both research and practice settings. The final criterion for this category evaluates if the origins are rooted in practice and research experience. The Comfort Theory has been used in numerous practice and research settings to provide a framework where patients have comfort needs and enhancing their comfort is valued. It has also been used to enhance working environments, especially for nurses, and most recently as a framework for working toward national institutional recognitions. More specifically parts are all of the theory have been used to test the effectiveness of holistic interventions for increasing comfort (xxxxxxx), to demonstrate the correlation between comfort and subsequent HSBs (xxxxx) and to relate HSBs to desirable institutional outcomes. It has also been used as a framework for helping families make difficult decisions about end of life (xxxxx). International and national healthcare institutions have also used Comfort Theory to enhance the work environment for nurses (xxxx). In these cases, nurses comfo rt is of interest and is theoretically related to the integrity of the institution. Summarize specific studies and tools used here. Structural integrity. There are four criterion for evaluating structural integrity. The first criterion is that the concepts are well defined. The concepts (defined above) of comfort needs, comfort interventions, intervening variables, enhanced comfort, health-seeking behaviors, and institutional integrity are clearly defined and easy to understand. There are numerous examples of applying the concepts in the literature for further clarification (xxxxx). The second criterion of structural integrity is that concepts within the theory are at the middle range level of abstraction. The concepts of the Comfort Theory-comfort needs, comfort interventions, intervening variables, enhanced comfort, health seeking behaviors, and institutional integrity are near the same level on the ladder of abstraction at the middle range level. They are more concrete because they can and have been operationalized and measured (xxxxx). The third criterion of structural integrity is that there are no more concepts than needed to explain the phenomena. Overall, the concepts adequately explain the phenomena of comfort. The theory is synthesized and organized in a simple manner. Lastly, the fourth criterion evaluates whether the concepts and relationships among the concepts are logically presented with a model. In the Comfort Theory (1994) model the ideas are integrated to create an understanding of the whole phenomenon of comfort in a model. The Comfort Theory (1994) model is a great example of presenting the concepts and statements in a linear logical order so the appreciation of the theory can be recognized (Smith, 2003). Functional adequacy. Because the criterion for functional adequacy overlap somewhat the five criterion will be discussed collectively. The five criterion include: theory can be applied to a variety of practice environments and clients; empirical indicators have been identified; published examples exist of research and theory in practice; and that the theory has evolved through scholarly inquiry. The Comfort Theory easily meets all of these criterions. For example, the Comfort Theory has been used widely in a variety of research in practice settings and patient and family populations. Even though the Comfort Theory has been used most widely with patients and families at the end of life and surrounding holistic palliative care nursing interventions, there has been a broad application of the theory in other populations as well including mothers in labor (xxxx), Alzheimer patients (xxxx), pediatric intensive care unit patients and families (xxxx), patients on bedrest (xxxx), those underg oing radiation therapy (xxxx) and for infants comfort and pain (xxxx). Most recently research of using the theory in practice has expanded to support institutional nursing recognition and comfort in the nursing working environment. In each of the populations mentioned above a psychometric comfort instrument has been developed as empirical indicators of concepts in the theory. However, the empirical indicators extend beyond empiricism and some include perceptions, self reports, observable behaviors and biological indicators (Ford-Gibloe, Campbell, Berman, 1995; Reed, 1995). The Comfort Theory (1994) has also been revised with the latest revision in 2007. The empirical adequacy of the Comfort Theory is evidence of the maturity of this theory (Smith, 2003). Summary The Comfort Theory (1994) is a well defined and well tested theory. Its strength lies in the versatility, adaptability, and testability of the concepts. The comfort theory clearly defines the concepts in the theory and the relationship between them. Because the comfort theory meets most of the substantitive foundations, structural integrity, and functional adequacy criteria the Comfort Theory (1994) is a strong middle range theory. An area that could increase the generalizability especially for nursing institutions is a change in the term in the model of nursing interventions to comfort interventions (xxxxx). Resnicks Self-Efficacy Theory: Description, Analysis, and Evaluation Theory Description Historical context. Resnicks Theory of Self Efficacy is based on Banduras social cognitive theory and conceptualizes person-behavior-environment as triadic reciprocity the foundation for reciprocal determinism (Bandura, 1977, 1986). The cognitive appraisal of these factors results in a perception of a level of confidence in the individuals ability to perform a certain behavior. The positive performance of this behavior reinforces self-efficacy expectations (Bandura, 1995). Structural Components. Although it is not explicitly stated, the core of this theory assumes that people can consciously change and develop or control their behavior. This is important to the proposition that self-efficacy also can be changed or enhanced through reflective thought, general knowledge, skills to perform a specific behavior, and self influence. This perspective is rooted in the model of triadic reciprocality (foundation for reciprocal determinism) in which personal determinants (self-efficacy), environmental conditions (treatment conditions) and action (practice) are mutually interactive influences. Therefore, improving performance depends on changing some of these influences (Bandura, 1977). In order to determine self-efficacy an individual must have the opportunity for self evaluation to evaluate how likely it is he or she can achieve a given level of performance. Concepts. The two major components of self efficacy include self-efficacy expectations and outcome expectations (Table 2). Self-efficacy expectations are judgments about the personal ability to accomplish a given task. Outcome expectations are judgments about what will happen if a given task is accomplished. These two components are differentiated because individuals can believe a certain behavior will result in a specific outcome, however, they may not believe they are capable of performing the behavior required for the outcome to occur (Bandura 1977, 1986). For example, a NICU nurse may believe attending an end of life education series will increase his/her knowledge and skill and ease moral distress, but may not believe that they could provide sensitive care for some ethical, religious, or moral reason. It is generally anticipated, but not always realistic that self-efficacy will have a positive impact on behavior. There are times when self-efficacy will have no or a negative impa ct on performance (Vancouver, Thomspon, Williams, 2001). Bandura (1977, 1986, 1997) suggests that outcome expectations are based largely on the individuals self-efficacy expectations, which generally depend on their judgment about how well they can perform the behavior; can be disassociated with self-efficacy expectations; and are partially separable from self-efficacy judgments when extrinsic outcomes are fixed. Because the outcomes an individual expects are the results of the judgments about what he or she can accomplish, they are unlikely to contribute to predictions of behavior (Bandura, 1977). Judgments about ones self-efficacy is based on four informational sources including enactive attainment, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion and physiological state. The first source, enactive attainment, or the actual performance of a behavior has been described as the most influential source of self-efficacy information (Bandura, 1986,; Bandura Adams, 1977). There has been repeated empirical evidence that actually performing an activity strengthens self-efficacy beliefs due to informational sources (Bandura, 1995). The second source, vicarious experience or visualizing other similar people perform a behavior, also influence self-efficacy (Bandura, Adams, Hardy, Howells, 1980). Conditions that impact vicarious experience include amount of exposure or experience to the behavior (least experience causes greater impact) and amount of instruction given (influence of others is greater with unclear guidelines) (Resnick Galik, 2006). Another source verbal persuasion or exhortation i nvolves telling an individual he or she has the capabilities to master the given behavior. Verbal encouragement from a trusted, credible source in counseling or education form has been used alone to strengthen efficacy expectations (Castro, King, Brassington, 2001; Hitunen et al. 2005; Moore et al., 2006; Resnick, Simpson, et al., 2006). The final information source physiological feedback or state during a behavior can be important in relation to coping with stressors, health functioning, and physical accomplishments. Interventions can be used to alter the interpretation of physiological feedback and help individuals cope with physical sensations, enhancing self efficacy and resulting in improved performance (Bandura Adams, 1977). Propositions. To help test the concept of nurses comfort caring for dying infa
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Center for Disease Control and Bioterrorism Essay example -- Disea
The Center of Disease Control and Prevention has an emergency awareness and response page based off of a zombie apocalypse to help inform people on how they should be ready if a major emergency were to occur. The CDC has a range of research and information from heart disease to the worst, infectious, disease-causing agents. The CDC also shares information about how to prepare and what to do if a bioterrorism attack or pandemic were to occur. The Center of Disease and Control is a diversified government organization that has the main purpose of protecting the public against the serious threats of bioterrorism and dangerous pandemics. The Center of Disease Control and Prevention performs studies to acquire information about the health and wellness of the general public. Some of these studies include simple censuses that ask people about preexisting conditions, height, weight, age, and their family history and health. They also look to see how certain diseases affect a personââ¬â¢s body and how they can be dealt with. For example, the Center of Disease Control and Prevention would conduct studies of people in different age groups and family history hat already have heart disease. They then look to see if the cause of heart disease in the different age groups is influenced by any particular factors. They have found that the risk of heart disease is increased if a person has a genetic history of heart disease caused by hypercholesterolemia and by ingesting high fat foods, low exercise, and ingesting harmful products like alcohol or tobacco. The main fields that the CDC focuses these studies upon are Disease s and Conditions, Emergency Preparedness and Response, Environmental Health, Life Stages and Populations, Healthy Living, ... ...itannica. Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica Online à à à à à School Edition.Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, Inc., 2011. Web. 14à Nov.à 2011.. "Heart Disease." Center of Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 16 Nov 2009. Web. 7 Dec 2011. . Lamb, Robert.à "10 Scariest Bioweapons"à 26 August 2008.à à 07 December 2011. "Special Pathogen Branch." CDC. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 17 Jul 2009. Web. 9 Dec 2011. . "Vision, Mission, Core Values, and Pledge." CDC. Centers for Disease Control and à à à à à à à à Prevention , 11 Jan 2010. Web. 16 Nov 2011. . The Center for Disease Control and Bioterrorism Essay example -- Disea The Center of Disease Control and Prevention has an emergency awareness and response page based off of a zombie apocalypse to help inform people on how they should be ready if a major emergency were to occur. The CDC has a range of research and information from heart disease to the worst, infectious, disease-causing agents. The CDC also shares information about how to prepare and what to do if a bioterrorism attack or pandemic were to occur. The Center of Disease and Control is a diversified government organization that has the main purpose of protecting the public against the serious threats of bioterrorism and dangerous pandemics. The Center of Disease Control and Prevention performs studies to acquire information about the health and wellness of the general public. Some of these studies include simple censuses that ask people about preexisting conditions, height, weight, age, and their family history and health. They also look to see how certain diseases affect a personââ¬â¢s body and how they can be dealt with. For example, the Center of Disease Control and Prevention would conduct studies of people in different age groups and family history hat already have heart disease. They then look to see if the cause of heart disease in the different age groups is influenced by any particular factors. They have found that the risk of heart disease is increased if a person has a genetic history of heart disease caused by hypercholesterolemia and by ingesting high fat foods, low exercise, and ingesting harmful products like alcohol or tobacco. The main fields that the CDC focuses these studies upon are Disease s and Conditions, Emergency Preparedness and Response, Environmental Health, Life Stages and Populations, Healthy Living, ... ...itannica. Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica Online à à à à à School Edition.Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, Inc., 2011. Web. 14à Nov.à 2011.. "Heart Disease." Center of Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 16 Nov 2009. Web. 7 Dec 2011. . Lamb, Robert.à "10 Scariest Bioweapons"à 26 August 2008.à à 07 December 2011. "Special Pathogen Branch." CDC. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 17 Jul 2009. Web. 9 Dec 2011. . "Vision, Mission, Core Values, and Pledge." CDC. Centers for Disease Control and à à à à à à à à Prevention , 11 Jan 2010. Web. 16 Nov 2011. .
Monday, November 11, 2019
Progreso Financiero Essay
Progreso Financiero faces two critical problems. First, it is falling significantly short of its sales forecasts (Exhibit 4), causing concern for investors and employees of the company. Second, Progreso has not yet identified a clear path to profitability. There are four key drivers to underperformance at Progreso Financiero: poor sales analytics systems, improper human resource management, poor managerial decision making and ineffective compensation incentives. The collective result of these shortcomings is that Progresoââ¬â¢s sales employees are highly unmotivated and ill equipped to help the company realize its sales and profitability goals. In order to be effective, sales executives need to have clear selling objectives and the ability to track their performance against key performance metrics. Much to its detriment, however, Progreso Financiero does not have any systems in place to track conversion pipeline and CPA over time. This has deleterious effects both on managementââ¬â¢s ability to accurately forecast overall sales (likely the cause of the huge discrepancy between forecasts and actual sales ââ¬â see Exhibit 6) and the account executiveââ¬â¢s ability to track potential and existing customers throughout the sales-force funnel. Indeed, Progreso Financiero suffers from low lead-to-loan conversion (~14%) as well as low customer retention (~52%), which are key drivers of underperformance in terms of sales volume and customer lifetime value vis-à -vis the companyââ¬â¢s acquisition costs. Many of Progresoââ¬â¢s problems can also be attributed to poor HR management. Itââ¬â¢s decision to hire its sales managers directly from the groceries in which it sells has created channel issues with its retail partners and has also left it with a sales force that is highly inexperienced. As a result, these employees require significantly more training before they can effectively sell at a level of an experienced sales executive. Progresoââ¬â¢s decision to promote internally to fill its DSM positions is also highly questionable, since these employees have little to no people management experience. As such, they have a difficult time engaging and motivating their direct reports. When Gutierrez does hire outside help, he consistently makes poor decisions. Time and again he promotes individuals with little to no actual sales experience (Cortez, Caviness, Ulloa) to lead his sales team, resulting in a failure of leadership and execution. When he does hire someone with sales experience (Dudley), he choses someone that does not speak Spanish, creating a language communication barrier. The commission-based compensation structure used at Progreso is hurting the company instead of creating incentives for AEs to progressively sell more loans. While a progressive incentive structure is appropriate for Progreso ââ¬â loan sales are highly contingent on the efforts of its AEs ââ¬â it has not structured the incentives properly. First, the company has set a minimum threshold of 15 loan sales per month before an AE can receive a baseline commission of $18 per loan, but in 2008 employees are averaging only 7 loans per month. At the same time, employees appear relatively content simply earning the hourly $8 wage, creating an ecosystem in which the utility of the fixed salary outweighs the effort-to-outcome of doubling oneââ¬â¢s loan sales output to earn incremental commission. Indeed, the goals are so far out of reach that AEs have given up on achieving them. This has created a principal-agent dilemma whereby the sales force is no longer aligned with the firm to achieve its aggressive sales forecasts. The low morale caused by a misaligned incentive structure is also a likely contributor to the high turnover at Progreso, which in turn impacts overall sales force productivity due to the sales learning curve and training required for each new AE. Finally, Progresoââ¬â¢s decision to enter into the Sears/K-Mart channels was also a strategic mistake. The foot traffic of their target customer at these stores is much lower than that of their target customer in Hispanic grocery stores. Furthermore, these channels already had a product offering in place (with Citibank) and an incentive structure of their own that encouraged Sears employees to refer business to Citibank, not Progreso. Lastly, Progresoââ¬â¢s agreement with Sears forced it to offer its customers a form of payment (gift cards) that limited their spending flexibility and made the offering less attractive overall. While expanding to merchant accounts increased overall volume of sales, it did so at the expense of its sales employees. As shown in Exhibit 1, Progresoââ¬â¢s merchant launch in September 2007 immediately precipitated a decline in its loan per employee ratio, well below the commission threshold level. Previously AEs were able, on average, to reach or surpass 15 loans per month but after the merchant launch, loans per month declined to 7 per month on average. Despite this, Progreso made no change to its commission incentive structure to accommodate for the differences in sales velocity by channel. Progreso faces two key challenges going forward. It must satisfy investors by proving that it can meet its aggressive sales forecasts and it also must outline a clear path towards profitability. Currently Progresso is spending more to acquire a customer (~$177 CPA, Exhibit 3) than it is earning in downstream value from customers acquired (~$100 CLV, Exhibit 2). In order to improve profitability of its customers, Progreso either needs to increase the margins per loan transaction or improve its retention performance. While Progreso could raise the APR and achieve a higher margin, this would to some degree tarnish its brand positioning as a low-cost, low-barrier lending company. Instead, Progreso should continue to build CRM systems that provide a deeper connection with its customers at each stage through the sales pipeline. If, for example, Progreso was able to convert 85% of new customers into repeat customers (instead of 65%), the CLV per customer would then surpass Progresoââ¬â¢s CPA. While Progreso could also aim to lower its acquisition cost, this is not recommended since it would require either shutting down some of its locations or decreasing overall compensation to an already discouraged sales force. Progreso should also redesign its incentive structure. First, it needs to make its commission threshold more achievable in order to align its AEs with company sales goals. To accomplish this it should eliminate the threshold requirement altogether and compensate using commission at all levels of sales (starting at 2% and rising to a 10% maximum). Secondly, it should lower the hourly wage to $6 in order to encourage its employees to earn a higher share of income through commission. In 2008 AEs sold 7 loans on average, meaning that most AEs did not earn any commission. By contrast, in the proposed compensation structure (Exhibit 5), AEs begin earning commission right away but earn a lower base salary. It is expected that this model will improve morale, even though AEs will need to double their loan count because they will have a sense of ownership right away and their incentives will be aligned with Progresoââ¬â¢s. Lastly, Progreso should improve the quality of its sales force by recruiting externally and hiring managers that have relevant sales experience. Every sales employee from top to bottom should be required to speak Spanish in order to improve communication. By improving the compensation structure and hiring an already knowledgeable sales force, Progreso can improve the effectiveness of each AE and actually reach the sales goals it sets for itself.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Hundred Years War essays
The Hundred Years War essays The Hundred Years' War had distant and immediate causes. In 1259, France and England signed the Treaty of Paris. This main point of the treaty was the English king agreed to become vassal of the French crown for the duchy of Aquitaine. The English claimed Aquitaine as an ancient inheritance. The French kinds resolved to absorb the duchy into the kingdom of France. Philip confiscated the duchy. This was the immediate cause of the war. Edward the II assumed the title of the king of France. He believed that he could rightfully make this claim. Hence, the dynastic argument upset the feudal order in France. To increase their power, French vassals of Philip VI used the excuse that they had to transfer their loyalty to Edward III. Because of the war being a French civil war, it lasted long. Economic factors involving the wool trade and the control of Flemish towns also served as reasons for the war between France and England. ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
The History and Fact About the Mousetrap
The History and Fact About the Mousetrap Aà mousetrapà is a type ofà animal trapà designed primarily to catchà mice; however, it may also, accidentally or not, trap other small animals. Mousetraps are usually set somewhere indoors where there is a suspected infestation ofà rodents. The trap that is credited as the first patented lethal mousetrap was a set of spring-loaded, cast-iron jaws dubbed Royal No. 1.à It was patented on November 4, 1879, by James M. Keep of New York.à From the patent description, it is clear that this is not theà firstà mousetrap of this type, but the patent is for this simplified, easy-to-manufacture, design. It is the industrial age development of theà deadfall trap, but relying on the force of a wound spring rather than gravity. The jaws of this type are operated by a coiled spring and the triggering mechanism is between the jaws, where the bait is held. Theà tripà snaps the jaws shut, killing the rodent. Lightweight traps of this style are now constructed from plastic. These traps do not have a powerful snap like other types. They are safer for the fingers of the person setting them than other lethal traps and can be set with the press on a tab by a single finger or even by foot. James Henry Atkinson The classic spring-loaded mousetrap was first patented by William C. Hooker ofà Abingdon, Illinois, who received a patent for his design in 1894.à A British inventor,à James Henry Atkinson, patented a similar trap called the Little Nipper in 1898, including variations that had a weight-activated treadle as the trip The Little Nipper is the classic snapping mousetrap that we are all familiar with that has the small flat wooden base, the spring trap, and the wire fastenings.à Cheese may be placed on the trip asà bait, but other foods such as oats, chocolate, bread, meat, butter, and peanut butter are more commonly used.à The Little Nipper slams shut in 38,000th of a second and that record has never been beaten. This is the design that has prevailed until today. This mousetrap has captured a 60 percent share of the British mousetrap market alone, and an estimated equal share of the international market. James Atkinson sold his mousetrap patent in 1913 for 1,000 pounds to Procter, the company that has been manufacturing the Little Nipper ever since, and has even built a 150-exhibit mousetrap museum in their factory headquarters. American John Mast of Lititz, Pennsylvania, received a patent on his similar snap-trap mousetrap in 1899. Humane Mousetraps Austin Kness had an idea for a better mousetrap back in the 1920s. The Kness Ketch-All Multiple Catch mousetrap doesnt use bait. It catches mice alive and can catch several before it needs to be reset. Mousetraps Galore Did you know that the Patent Office has issued more than 4,400 mousetrap patents; however, only about 20 of those patents have made any money? Catch a few of the different designs for mousetraps in our mousetrap gallery.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Future Planning Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Future Planning - Research Paper Example à Future planning in the education sector can thus be summarized as the process of setting out in advance procedures, policies and set standards that enable the full attainment of the educational objectives. The future planning must be carried out in advance, identify the strategies and taking into consideration the level of expertise that is needed to implement the plan to completion (Fujimoto, 2012).Characteristics of future planningFuture planning has four major characteristics namely the primacy of planning, the future-oriented aspect, mission-oriented and being pervasive. The pervasive aspect of future planning is seen in the fact that it cuts across the various level of management as well as covering all the managerial functions (Selingo, 2013). This ensures that all the activities are undertaken so that no duty is left out unattended. The mission-oriented aspect of future planning is seen by the fact that it includes the mapping out process or the charting of the activities in a manner that assists in the satisfaction of human wants. It takes into consideration the past trends as well as the present happenings so that they can be used to accurately predict what is likely to happen in the future. The future can either be short-term or long-term depending on the sole objectives of the organization. Future planning structuresFuture planning in higher education institutions must take into consideration a number of issues that rotate around internal and external governance. Ã
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Topic-Gold stocks and index performance comparison Research Paper
Topic-Gold stocks and index performance comparison - Research Paper Example When a countryââ¬â¢s currency devalues significantly, gold held by central banks and Federal Reserve can be used in trade as a means of exchange to facilitate trade. For governments to hedge against instability in currency, gold is deposited in reserve by governments, private individual and companies to be exchange when need arises. A countryââ¬â¢s development is pegged on the amount of gold in its reserves and is used to determine the value of a countryââ¬â¢s currency. With a good reserve of gold, economic stability is realized alongside stable commodity prices in a country (World Gold Council). The United States ties its dollar on the price of gold and gold in its reserves which in turn the international community tie their currency against the value of the US Dollar. This explains the reason why the dollar is the widely accepted means of foreign exchange against all currencies in the world. Before 1971, gold was the only exchange standard. Since then, international cooper ative monetary system has been used. Instead, it has remained trading in the international markets freely, with forces of demand and supply determining its mean price just like any other commodities. Though it has been replaced by international monetary system, gold still enjoys about 13% official reserves around the world as a cornerstone reserve asset. Gold as a commodity has been trading in the international market, often fetching high prices in times of economic turmoil. When the international financial markets are in great upheaval, traders dumb the socks and other financial instruments to save the devaluation of the positions in gold reserves. For example, when the prices of stocks or other forms of securities are falling, traders resort to buying gold. This takes to the hypothesis that, when the price of stock index is falling, the price if gold rises. Over the recent past, there has been sharp increases I the prices of gold as most of the major financial markets were falteri ng around the world. This is so because gold has been seen as a substitute investment instrument to the financial system. Currently the price of an ounce of gold in the international market is about $1,608. S&P 500 is one of the major indices in the United States that can be used in this study to compare its performance against that of gold. To get the relationship in movement and to proof the hypothesis quarterly performances can be looked at with a main focus in the pre and after 2008 financial crisis. The explanation to the relationship that can be adduced is found on the graph. S&P 500, alongside other indices in the United States like Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) and NASDAQ, have been observed to be inversely correlated with the price of gold over time (World Gold Council). When there is exists uncertainty in the economy and by extension the financial markets, investors tend to offload their positions in stocks and other securities to buy the save haven; gold. Gold has b een taken as the ultimate safe haven as explained earlier. When there is an imbalance between supply and demand for shares, the prices will either pick up or tumble depending on the two forces. When there exist jitters on the stability of the economy which will affect the performance of the listed companies in the securities exchange the shares will drop in their valuation. Investors buy stocks expecting to get returns either from good dividends or appreciation in the share prices, increasing the net worth of an
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